Ben d’Armagnac, Performance (Universiteit Maastricht), 1976 (00:20:53)

Wink van Kempen, You are so beautiful, 1975 (00:02:50)
Video Artwork Purchase Agreements
The results of the project ‘Conservation Video Art’ yielded several model purchase contracts and a registration model. The project has also given rise to a publication: The Sustainability of Video Art: Preservation of Dutch Video Art Collections. Though the publication is no longer in print, it can be downloaded.
The project ‘Preserving Video Art’ was prompted by the awareness of this medium’s fragility and the immediate threat which faces work produced by the first generation of video artists. LI-MA (then: Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMk)) carried out the project at the request of the SBMK. Methods for the preservation of video art were jointly developed, applied and evaluated.